
The GMs Toolkit Revisited

So a lot has happened since I last made the time to write a blog post.
The GMs Toolkit concept is moving forwards.

As some of you may know I’ve been increasingly active over on Twitter for a while now and I’ve started talking to some really interesting Indie games Devs.

When the GMs Toolkit was mentioned it resonated with a couple of them – to the point that (the Ennie Award-winning) Stephen Hart and I decided we’d split the writing duties and create a series of resources that folks could opt into as a low-cost high-reward crowdfunding campaign

All the covers for GMT Vol1

Fast forward to today and the GMs Toolkit has spawned two successful Kickstarter Projects based around the concept and we have released our first 50 pieces of content which is available either Drivethru RPG, our Etsy Store or TheGrinningFrog.com

A selection of screenshots from GMTVolume1

Each piece of the GMs Toolkit content contains 10 things, be they characters, locations, magical items etc which the GM can drop into an adventure-ready to go – they also include 2-3 adventure hooks to help the GM incorporate them into games.

Cover image for GMTVolumeII

The GMs Toolkit Volume 2 project which was funded in November is currently a WIP and will be being released first to the backers and then added to the various stores and continues in the now-familiar format.

The GMs Toolkit Volume 2 content includes

  • Unconventional Allies 2
  • Yaros Trinkets
  • Hirelings and Companions
  • Shrines and Temples
  • Arcane Masters
  • Secret Societies and Cults
  • Yaros Trinkets

Whats coming next?

The plan is to continue with the GMs Toolkit content – each time we run a campaign we will offer the option to either buy the content for the current project only or for all of the preceding Kickstarter campaigns AND the current project.
Please note that backing and supporting the Kickstarter campaigns is a more cost effective way of getting your hands on the content as the PDFs retail for £2.00 each – so to purchase the current collection you would be looking at a cost of £24.00 when compared with the “All in pledge” which would cost £10.00
We will be launching Volume III just as soon as we have completed Volume II – so keep an eye on your inbox for an update or check back here soon.

The GMs Toolkit or The “Prepared” Games Master

The GMs Toolkit or The “Prepared” Games Master

This is the start of what we hope is going to turn into a series of posts where we share ideas that you can use to build up your GMs Toolkit and hopefully make your life as a GM a bit easier.

So, what’s a GMs Toolkit?

For me, it’s the useful “stuff” that you can use on the fly and that leaves you to focus on the important thing, keeping the story flowing.   

My GMs Toolkit is a folder filled with resources that I’ve built up over 30 years of gaming, If you’re just getting started you might want to consider things like*; 

Basically, anything you can use that makes your job of keeping the story flowing easier.

So, that’s the theory behind a GMs Toolkit – in each one of these posts, we’ll try and include a little something to add to yours – all we ask is that you subscribe to our Bi-Weekly newsletter

We’re also going to be picking the brains of some of the nicest people we know in gaming to find out what they consider to be their favourite secret tabletop resource.

*We’ve included a few links to things we like, we use or we’ve backed on Kickstarter and which has made its was to Amazon


Trinity Knot Studio is a games company that makes gaming “stuff” that would very well fit into your GMs Toolkit and we may end up talking about our stuff, but we promise we’ll always warn you first.

Were Back Online

Our website is back online, We’ve got some new projects and content lined up. Keep an eye out for updates, or even better subscribe